Sunday, July 5, 2009

Waikiki, the best inland beach in rural Alaska (on the Kenai Peninsula)

N 60°28'53"
W 149°45'59"

There are only so many options for social interacting in rural Alaska. The best bar in town is realistically the only bar in town, and it is not just a bar but also a gas station, inn and restaurant. It's like the Walmart of Cooper Landing but much smaller and with alcohol. This bar is called Sunrise, and a couple of nights ago, a simple miscommunication almost turned into an all out brawl, Russian River style. Apparently in all Alaskan bars, there is this bell that hangs over the bar from the ceiling, and if you ring that bell then you just brought everyone in the bar shots (or a drink). But this is not clearly stated anywhere in the bar (or at least at Sunrise Bar). So we were out at Sunrise, and I was the DD that night. My co-worker, Jerome is in the bar sitting almost directly in front of this bell hanging down, and a few of the other guys working in the campground started enticing him to ring the bell. They chanted his name and "ring the bell" until he finally cracked. Jerome rang the bell; the bartender immediately came over to inform the bar that shots are now on Jerome. This was a complete surprise to all of us especially Jerome. He had a small argument with the bartender about not serving anyone their drinks and decided to step outside. From that point on, I knew we had "one of those nights" on our hands. Jerome new mind set has switched from passive/rational to "get the hell out of doge." Basically he hung around outside contemplating bolting, but someone found him and the bartender came out to have a heated shouting match. Long story short, Jerome paid some of the tab and most of people paid for the shot they took. Then as we are leaving, a guy from the Russian River Ferry (we called them Ferry Boys) yelled out "Do we get another shot?." He was met with some intimidating replies from our outfit. Things quickly escladed, but momentarily calmed down. Just when we were almost out the door, one of the other guys with us (I won't say who) decided it was a good idea to give that guy the shot he asked for and poured some beer on top of his head except is was the wrong guy who got the beer shower. Safe to say, some serious shit nearly went down on the other side of Cooper Landing.

Now we aren't necessarily unwelcome at Sunrise Bar anymore, but it might be a good idea to not hang around there for a little while (I promise I'm making a point). Yesterday on the 4th, we did not have much to do and no fireworks. So other than hanging around here, drinking beer and cooking something on the fire, we decided to check out this place known by the locals as Waikiki Beach. Waikiki beach is located approximately 10 miles away from the closest civilization the one post office for at least 30 miles on the south side of the Kenai Lake. You travel down the Snug Harbor Rd until it turns into a dirt/gravel road and then continue on for several more miles eventually ending up on Waikiki, the most beautiful, easily accessible waterfront public property that nobody knows about in Cooper Landing. It requires a little off-road capability to make it to park down on the beach by our tent, but it makes for a wonder photo opportunity. The beach has no sand but is covered with small, thin, rounded stones that almost act like sand. The lake is with out a doubt the most beautiful lake I have ever seen. The water is so clear. The mountains are so perfect. There is no oil in the water. No cabins or signs of civilization. No trash. No boats or jetskis distrubing the water. There is no noise except the ruckus created by those partying in Waikiki. Waikiki is our new thing. When I'm not working, hiking, fishing, or dicking around the campground, I will be at Waikiki.

*Note* The pictures above were taken July 4th, 2009 just before midnight.

1 comment:

  1. I practically grew up on Waikiki beach. It's been my favorite place in the world for as long as I can remember, and it will be the final resting place for both of my parents and myself as well. Our ashes will be scattered along the beach, in the lake, and on porcupine island. By the way, if you haven't yet ventured to porcupine island on Kenai lake- I highly recommend it. It's an awesome place with this little "Boy Scout" camp that's really cool. And of course- you can obviously only get there by boat. I really shouldn't even be telling you this, I think it's one of Alaska's best hidden gems, and there are almost never any other people camping there. So.... DON'T spread the word! ��
