Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A Wall of Ice and Rock

N 60°10′58″
W 149°38′13″

Yesterday we ventured to the south side of the Kenai Peninsula to the noteworthy town of Seward, Alaska. Named for the Secretary of State during the Johnson Administration in 1867, William Seward. The town Seward is modest with a thriving fishing and tourist based economy. It is kind of like a small New England town but surrounded by Resurrection Bay, mountains and the massive Harding Icefield to the West (the large spot in the picture below).

Now we have already planned for a bay cruises of Resurrection Bay with the wildlife viewing and the glaciers. That is priority 1, but priority 2 is to pick another beautiful summer day to take on the Harding Icefield Trail beginning with Exit Glacier as the starting point. This 7.4 mile round trip is a streunous hike climbing an approximate 1,000 feet with every mile. This is one of those things that I will make time for.

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